中秋节快到了,好多人都陆陆续续的做月饼。如果你问我我喜欢吃什么月饼,我真的是答不上来,因为喜欢的太多了。可是我觉得我是有点很古怪的,从喜欢冰皮月饼,接着上海月饼,后来芋头月饼,福州月饼,燕菜月饼。。。数都数不尽,不过,我最爱吃的却是五仁月饼。爱上五仁月饼,是我在旧公司工作时,一位同事(Ms Chong)硬硬叫我试,我叫她切超级小片给我,但是后来却吃了很多。直到现在每一年,我都会打电话去向 Juliet 订五仁月饼,因为她做的的月饼非常好吃,迟些我会把她的月饼上载在这里,让你们看看。2008年搬去了Bandar Kinrara,就住在 Juliet 家附近,令我更容易买到她的月饼,所以我真的是很久都没有做月饼了。不过,话说回来,其实我也只是做过冰皮月饼,而且真的是很久很久都没有做了。今天,我的作品是上海月饼。写了一堆“废话连篇”,大家都应该想为什么我不是做五仁月饼,哈哈,因为不够时间准备。我的上海月饼,是参考eileenの记事本做的,因为看见她的作品实在令人垂涎,我做了一些小调整。上海月饼的饼皮很容易做,自己亲手做这个,准备和烘烤不超过2小时。我个人觉得饼皮有点甜,下次我会减少一些糖。
120 g 金桶牛油 (Golden churn creamery)
40g 细砂糖 (Castor sugar)
120 g 金桶牛油 (Golden churn creamery)
40g 细砂糖 (Castor sugar)
11/2汤匙 淡奶 (Evaporated milk/ creamer)
1汤匙 粟粉 (Corn flour)
180g 特幼粉 (Superfine flour)
240g 低糖白莲蓉 (Low sugar white lotus paste)
40g 瓜子 (Melon seeds)
1粒 蛋黄 (Egg yolk) - 抹皮用
1. 将金桶牛油,细砂糖和淡奶搅拌均匀。
2. 把粟粉和特幼粉筛入,用手把面团搓均匀,盖上保鲜纸,放进结冰处冷藏20分钟。
3. 把莲蓉和瓜子混合均匀,分成8分,每份大概35g,搓成小圆球。
3. 把莲蓉和瓜子混合均匀,分成8分,每份大概35g,搓成小圆球。
4. 把面团从结冰处取出,分成8分,我的面团大概一份47.5g。
5. 把1份小面团搓圆,放在掌心用手轻轻压扁,把莲蓉球放在小面团中间,然后包起来搓圆,
6. 用几片瓜子装饰一个饼皮,然后把蛋黄均匀的抹在饼皮上。
6. 用几片瓜子装饰一个饼皮,然后把蛋黄均匀的抹在饼皮上。
7. 把上海月饼送进预热的烤箱,用摄氏180度烤10分钟,把月饼取出,再次涂上蛋黄,再烤
Hi Jozelyn, this is the first time I visit your blog. It was on Anncoo Journal that I saw your name. So glad there's another place I can learn to make mooncake. Recently I went for a class to learn how to make snow skin, mixed nuts and traditional mooncakes. I have yet to practise the learning but I guess it has to be soon as Mooncake Festival is fast approaching! Another thing I'm very happy to stumble upon is that you are also staying in Bandar Kinrara. What a coincidence as I'm also a resident here. Who knows you may even be a stone's throw from my house! I earnestly would like to learn from you this skill and others. I hope you will be willing to teach. Thank you in great anticipation! Choong Kon Yin
ReplyDeleteHi, Kon Yin. Thanks for visiting. I am learning as well. We could learn together. By the way, I have move out from Bandar Kinrara last year after the incidents of theft occured in February and robbery happen in May but still staying somewhere at Puchong now.