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30g 紫薯泥 (30g mashed purple sweet potatoes)
3个 A蛋黄 (3 grade A egg yolks)
40g 玉米油 (40g corn oil)
40g 牛奶 (40g milk)
20g 细砂糖 (20g caster sugar)
60g 香港面粉 (60g Hong Kong flour)
材料B (Ingredients B)
3个 A蛋白 (3 grade A egg whites)
40g 细砂糖 (40g caster sugar)
材料C (Ingredients C)
100g 打发植物性鲜奶油 (100g whipped fresh cream)
装饰C (Decorations C)
50g 紫薯泥 (50g mashed purple sweet potatoes)
适量 草莓 (Some strawberries)
适量 雪粉 (Some snow powder)
1. 把所有材料A搅拌均匀。
Mix ingredients A until well combine.
2. 在另一个盆里,把材料B打至硬性发泡。
In another bowl, whip ingredients B until stiff peak form.
3. 分3次,把(2)拌入(1)里,用刮刀搅拌均匀。
Use a spatula to fold (2) into (1) in 3 batches.
4. 把(3)放入纸杯,烘140度35分钟至熟,取出后,待凉。
Put (3) into paper liners, bake in oven at 140 for 35 minutes until cook, remove from oven
and cool the cake.
5. 把材料C打发,一半放入挤花袋,另一半混入紫薯泥,把混了紫薯泥的挤入已冷却的蛋糕
里,没加入紫薯泥的在表面挤花,用草莓 和雪粉装饰,即可。
Mix ingredients C, put half portion into a piping bag, for the remaining whipped fresh
cream, add in mashed sweet potatoes and pipe into the cake, use the plain whipped fresh
cream to decorate the top of the cake, decorate with strawberries and snow powder.
ReplyDeleteThese HCC looked so lovely ... I like purple sweet potatoes too :)