紫薯吐司参考 LY's Kitchen Ventures,谢谢她的好分享。
我的烤箱每次都闹别扭,时热时不热,面包没有满模,看来下次我还是用回气炸锅来烤面包,才不会被气死 @_@ 虽然我没有像 0620 一样对土司的要求是要有角,不过至少可以满模,好不好?????
我的烤箱每次都闹别扭,时热时不热,面包没有满模,看来下次我还是用回气炸锅来烤面包,才不会被气死 @_@ 虽然我没有像 0620 一样对土司的要求是要有角,不过至少可以满模,好不好?????
这是预先设定的帖子。 This is a scheduled post.
材料A (IngredientsA)
150g 紫薯泥 (150g mashed purple sweet potato)
300g 高筋面粉-我用284g高筋面粉 + 16g 全麦粉 (300g high protein flour - I substitute
with 284g high protein flour + 16g whole meal flour)
1tsp 盐 (1 tsp salt)
45g 细砂糖 (45g caster sugar)
45g 细砂糖 (45g caster sugar)
3g 酵母(3g instant yeast)
200g 牛奶 (200g milk)
材料B (IngredientsB)
200g 牛奶 (200g milk)
材料B (IngredientsB)
15g 牛油 (15g butter)
5. 放入预热烤箱,上下火210度烤40分钟至熟。
步骤 (Steps)
1. Kenwood 面包机: 把材料A顺序放入面包机,启动功能8。
Kenwood bread maker: Put all ingredients A accordingly into the bread maker, turn on
function no. 8.
2. 当面包机启动5分钟后,会休息5分钟,这时加入材料B。
The bread maker will rest after 5 minutes of mixing, then add in ingredients B after the
first stop.
3. 当面包机再次启动后,会操作20分钟,过后让面团留在面包机里发酵1小时。
When the bread maker start operate again, it will mix the ingredients for another 20
minutes, let the dough rest inside the bread maker for 1 hour.
4. 排气,把面团分成2份,休面10分钟,休面后杆平,卷起,放入已经撒上高筋面粉的吐司
Punch down the dough to expel air, divide the dough into 2 portions, rest the dough for 10
minutes, then flatten the dough with a rolling pin, roll up, put into the bread tin, cover with lid,
let the dough raise until almost touching the lid.
5. 放入预热烤箱,上下火210度烤40分钟至熟。
Put into the preheated oven, bake at 210 degree Celsius for 40 minutes.
6. 面包出炉后,立刻脱模,待凉后才切。
Remove from the tin immediately once bake, leave to cool then only slice the bread.
Remove from the tin immediately once bake, leave to cool then only slice the bread.
我家里有很多紫薯, 可能会做这个, 但面包我一向不精, 所以会常来偷师哦
ReplyDelete哈! 真巧我也做了紫薯面包, 交换吃吧! :)
ReplyDelete哈! 真巧我也做了紫薯面包, 交换吃吧! :)