前几个星期看了 Tinrry 的冰皮月饼,于是趁着有少许时间,我也做了冰皮月饼,冰皮参考了 Tinrry 的食谱,馅料我用自制的芋头馅和红豆馅。
Tinrry 的冰皮和肥妈的冰皮(食谱可以参考我在2012年做的冰皮月饼)同样是很好吃,推荐。
Tinnry 做了18个月饼,我只做了16个,有些冰皮粘住碟了 ^_^
50g 糯米粉 (50g glutinous rice flour)
50g 粘米粉 (50g rice flour)
50g 糖粉 (50g icing sugar)
30g 澄面粉 (30g wheat starch)
230g 牛奶 (230g milk)
30g 炼奶 (30g sweetened creamer)
30g 玉米油 (30g corn oil)
馅料 (Fillings)
200g 芋头馅 - 制作过程可以按这里 (200g homemade yam paste)
200g 红豆馅 - 制作过程可以按这里 (200g homemade red bean paste)
其他材料 (Other ingredients)
50g 糕粉 (50g koh fun)
自制糕粉 (Homemade koh fun)
Cook glutinous rice flour in a dry wok for about 5 minutes until glutinous rice flour become light, colour change to slightly yellowish, that's all.
步骤 (Steps)
1. 把所有粉类倒入一个大盆,用打蛋器搅拌均匀,加入牛奶,把粉类搅拌至完全和牛奶混
Put all flour into a big bowl, mix with a hand whisk, add in milk, stir until well combine,
add in sweetened creamer, continue to whisk until well combine, finally add corn oil,
stir until corn oil well combine in the mixture.
2. 烧热一锅水,把(1)倒入一个深碟内,大火蒸25分钟至熟,蒸的期间,锅盖的一边夹住
Bring to boil some water in a wok, pour (1) into a deep plate, steam with high flame for
25 minutes, put a piece of cloth in between the wok and the lid at one side of the wok to
let water evaporate, this is to prevent the water from condensation and fall into the
3. 把蒸好的面团取出,用筷子撮入面团,打格子,过后用塑胶抹刀把所有粉团拌匀,防止粘
Remove the steamed dough from the wok, use a chopstick to divide the dough into small
grid, then use a spatula to mix the dough until glossy to prevent the dough from sticking
to the plate, set aside to cool.
4. 当粉团稍微不烫手时,穿上手套,把面团搓至光滑,把面团分为每个25g,备用。
Once the dough cool, divide the dough into 25g each by wearing a pair of gloves, set
5. 把馅料分为每个25g,备用。
Divide the fillings into 25g each, set aside.
6. 把(5)包入(4),搓圆,表面沾少许糕粉。
Wrap (5) into (4), roll into ball shape, dust the surface with some koh fun.
7. 模涂上少许糕粉,多余的粉倒出,把(6)放入模里,轻轻压出,然后把饼皮月饼放在托
Lightly dust the mould with some koh fun, put (6) into the mould, then lightly press, put
the snow skin moon cake in paper casing, store in air tight container in a fridge for about
2 hours before consuming.