这个贴是我写过最长的贴,用了9个小时才完成编辑 ^_^
这个贴是我写过最长的贴,用了9个小时才完成编辑 ^_^
I present to you "Jubilant Treasure Bowl"!
第一层: First layer:
清烫大白菜 Chinese cabbage
第二层: Second layer:
酥炸芋头条 Yam
第三层: Third layer:
香焖白萝卜 White Radish
第四层: Fourth layer:
好事发大财 Stew mushroom, fish-maw, oyster & fatt choy
第五层: Fifth layer:
(A)香脆皮烧肉 (A) Roast pork belly
(B)绍兴酒醉鸡 (B) Drunken chicken
(C)咸香脆皮鸭 (C) Roast duck
(D)钱包涨卜卜 (D) Stuff bean curd puff
(E)葡萄牙明虾 (E) Portugese style prawn
(F)清烫西兰花 (F) Brocolli
第六层: Six layer:
红烧鲍鱼只 Braised abalone
Here are the sequence how I prepare my Jubilant Treasure Bowl.
材料 (Ingredients):
1个 芋头 (1 nos. yam)
适量 油 (Some oil)
步骤 (Steps):
[ 备注:多余的芋头可以拿来煮芋头饭]
Cut yam into thumb-like square strips, stir fry until yam is well-cooked, remove from wok and place it on top of a kitchen towel to remove excessive oil.
[Remarks: Extra yam strips can be used to cook yam rice.]
第二步:香焖白萝卜 (Second step: Stew white raddish)
材料 (Ingredients):
少许 油 (Little bit of oil)
3片 姜片(3 slice ginger)
3瓣 蒜头 (3 cloves garlic)
1根 白萝卜-切块,大概1.5 - 2 cm厚度 (1 nos raddish - cut into 1.5- 2 cm thickness)
适量 水-足够浸泡所有白萝卜即可 (Some water - enough to cover the raddish when cooking)
2汤匙 酱油 (2 tbsp soya sauce)
1汤匙 绍兴酒 (1 tbsp Shaoxing rice wine)
1汤匙 蘑菇精 (1 tbsp mushroom essence)
1棵 芫荽头 (1 nos coriander stems)
4粒 冰糖 (4 nos square rock sugar)
1个 八角 (1 nos star anise)
步骤 (Steps)
[ 备注:若喜欢吃白萝卜,自己加料。]
In a small pot, stir fry ginger slice and garlic till fragrant, add in the white radish, pan-fry white radish until both sides looks transparent, add in some water, just enough to cover all white radish will do, then add in all seasonings, bring to boil, taste the gravy, add more seasoning to suit your taste, cover with lid, stew the white radish in low flame for 10 minutes, let the white radish and gravy cool in the pot before removing it from the pot.
[Remarks: You may use more white radish for cooking.]
第三步(A):钱包涨卜卜 (Third step (A): Stuff bean curd puff )
材料A (Ingredients A)
275g 鱼肉-已调味 (Some fish paste - seasoned)
8个 马蹄-去皮剁碎 (8 nos water chest nut - peeled and minced)
1棵 青葱-切碎 (1 nos spring onion - lightly chop)
材料B (Ingredients B)
13个 豆腐卜-浸水,挤干水分,用刀切开一个口 (13 bean curd puff, soak in water, squeeze and drain excessive water and oil, use a sharp knife to cut an opening on one side of the bean curd puff
适量 油 (Some oil)
材料C (Ingredients C)
适量 水-足够浸泡所有豆腐卜即可 (Some water - enough to cover the bean curd puff when cooking)
1汤匙 鱼露 (1 tbsp fish sauce)
1汤匙 蚝油 (1 tbsp oyster sauce)
1汤匙 酱油 (1 tbsp soya sauce)
1茶匙 糖 (1 tsp sugar)
少许 胡椒粉 (Dash of pepper)
少许 芫荽 (Some coriander)
材料D (Ingredients D)
1汤匙 粟米粉 (1 tbsp corn flour)
1汤匙 水 (1 tbsp water)
步骤 (Steps)
1. 把材料A搅拌均匀,手沾湿一点,把材料A釀入材料B里,放入烧热油的锅里,有肉的部分
Mix ingredients A until well combined, wet hands, stuff ingredients A into ingredients B,
then pan-fry in a wok until golden brown by facing the bean curd puff with meat facing
down first, then only turn over the bean curd puff, picked up from the wok, drain
excessive oil, set aside.
[Remarks: use the same wok to pan-fry the meat ball of the fourth layer of the Jubilant
treasure bowl.]
2. 把(1)放入锅里,倒入材料C,煮滚,试味,盖上盖,转小火焖5-10分钟,最后加入材
Put (1) into the wok, add ingredients C, bring to boil, taste the gravy, add more seasoning
to suit your taste, cover with lid, stew in low flame for 5-10 minutes, then add in
ingredients D to thicken the gravy, remove from wok and set aside.
第三步(B):好事发大财 (Third step (B): Mushroom, fish-maw, oyster & fatt choy )
材料A (Ingredients A)
250g 鱼肉-已调味 (250g fish paste - seasoned)
200g 猪肉碎 (200g mince pork)
1茶匙 盐 (1 tsp salt)
少许 麻油 (Some sesame oil)
少许 胡椒粉 (Dash of pepper)
8个 耗干-泡软,切碎 (8 nos dry oyster, soak till soft, lightly chop)
少许 发菜-浸软,切碎 (Some fatt choy, soak till soft, lightly chop)
2汤匙 水 (2 tbsp water)
材料B (Ingredients B)
适量 水 (Some water)
18朵 香菇-隔夜浸泡,去掉脚,浸泡香菇的水保留 (18 shiitake mushroom - cover and soak with water overnight in a tupperware, remove the stalk, water use to soak mushroom to be use for cooking)
材料C (Ingredients C)
100g 鱼漂-用烧水泡软,切块 (100g fish-maw - soak in hot water until soft, cut into chunks)
材料D (Ingredients D)
适量 水-足够浸泡所有材料 (Some water - enough to cover all ingredients when cooking)
2汤匙 耗油 (2 tbsp oyster sauce)
2汤匙 酱油 (2 tbsp soya sauce)
1汤匙 绍兴酒 (1tbsp Shaoxing rice wine)
1汤匙 蘑菇精 (1 tbsp mushroom essence)
2粒 冰糖 (2 nos rock sugar)
少许 胡椒粉 (Dash of pepper)
材料E (Ingredients E)
1汤匙 粟米粉 (1 tbsp corn flour)
1汤匙 水 (1 tbsp water)
步骤 (Steps)
1. 把材料A用筷子朝一个方向搅至起胶,备用。
Use a chopstick to mix ingredients A until gluey, set aside.
2. 在一个锅里,把油烧热,手沾湿,把(1)搓成圆球,放入锅里,煎至两面金黄,备用。
[ 备注:可以用煎豆腐卜的锅煎。]
Heat oil in a wok, lightly wet both hand, roll (1) into small ball, place in the wok, pan-fry
until both side is golden brown, set aside.
[Remarks: You may use the same wok used to pan-fry stuffed bean curd puff to pan fry
the meat ball.]
3. 在另一个锅里,把材料B煮滚,加入材料(2), 材料D和材料C (可以依照自己喜欢的软度
In a pot, bring to boil ingredients B, add in (2), ingredients D and ingredients C (You may
choose to add in the fish-maw later if you prefer a more chewer texture of the fish maw),
bring to boil, taste the gravy, add more seasoning to suit your taste, cover with lid, stew
in low flame for 10-25 minutes, then add in ingredients E to thicken the gravy, set aside.
[Remarks: For related recipe details, click here.]
第四步(A): 香脆皮烧肉 (Fourth step (A): Roast pork belly)
材料 (Ingredients)
1大块 五花肉 (1 big piece of pork belly)
适量 水 (Some water)
适量 五香粉 - 足够涂五花肉底部即可 (Some Chinese five spice powder - enough to coat the bottom of the pork belly will do)
适量 盐 - 足够涂在整块五花肉即可 (Some salt - enough to coat the whole pork belly will do)
1. 煮滚一锅水,转小火,把五花肉烫10-15分钟,捞起,滴干水分。
Bring to boil a pot of hot water, turn to low flame, boil the pork belly for 10-15 minutes,
pick up and drain.
2. 用刀在五花肉底部打斜割几条0.5cm深度,涂上一些五香粉和盐,接着把五花肉的上下,
左右和前后涂上少许盐,然后在猪皮表面用尖利的挫刺洞,放入冰箱过1-2夜,抽干皮的 水分。
Use a sharp knife, lightly cut a few strips on the bottom part of the pork belly diagonally
into about 0.5 cm thickness, then rub the the bottom of the pork belly with five spice
powder and salt, then rub the top, left and right, front and back of the pork belly with salt,
finally prick the skin with a sharp skewer, left the pork belly uncover with skin facing up in
the fridge for 1-2 nights, in order to dry the skin.
3. 从冰箱取出,在猪皮表面用尖利的挫在刺洞,放入气炸锅,用“烘烤”功能,烘烤1小时10分
Remove the pork belly from the fridge, prick the skin again with skewer, roast in air fryer
for 1 hour 10 minutes.
[Remarks: For recipe details, click here or here.]
第四步(B): 绍兴酒醉鸡 (Fourth step (B): Drunken chicken)
材料 (Ingredients)
3只 大鸡腿 (3 big chicken drumsticks)
3茶匙 盐 (3 tsp salt)
2汤匙 绍兴酒 (2 tbsp Shaoxing rice wine)
步骤 (Steps)
Wash and drain the big chicken drumsticks, use salt and Shaoxing rice wine to marinate for one hour, bring to boil some water in a walk, turn to medium low flame, steam the chicken drumstick for 20 minutes until cooked, set aside, chop into desired size once cooled.
[Remarks: For related recipe details, click here.]
第四步(C): 咸香脆皮鸭 (Fourth step (C) : Roast Duck)
[Remarks: For related recipe details, click here.]
这个我外买 ^_^ I bought the roast duck ^_^.
第四步(D): 红烧鲍鱼只 (Fourth step (D) : Braised abaone)
材料 (Ingredients)
1罐 红烧鲍鱼 (1 can braised abalone)
1锅 滚水 (1 pot of hot water)
步骤 (Steps)
Remove the label from the braised abalone can, dump the canned braised abalone into the boiled water, let the canned braised abalone simmered in the pot for at least half an hour, remove the canned braised abalone from the water, pat dry and use a canned opener to open the canned braised abalone.
第四步(E): 葡萄牙明虾 (Fourth step (E) : Portuguese style prawn)
材料 (Ingredients)
11只 明虾 - 清理干净,用糖腌 (11 prawns)
1茶匙 盐 (1 tsp salt)
少许 胡椒粉 (Dash of pepper)
2汤匙 粟米粉 (2 tbsp corn flour)
少许 油 (Some oil)
1包 葡萄牙蒸鱼酱 (1 packet Portuguese style steam fish sauce)
50 ml 水 (50ml oil)
步骤 (Steps)
1. 把虾用盐和胡椒粉腌制5分钟,加入少许粟米粉在表面,拍掉多余的粉,放入烧热的锅煎至
Use salt and pepper to marinate the prawns for 5 minutes, add in some corn flour on the
surface of the prawn, lightly dust away excessive flour, pan-fry until both side of the
prawn turn to red colour, dish out.
2. 把葡萄牙蒸鱼酱倒入锅里,加入水,煮滚后,把(1)回锅,炒至快收汁,离锅。
Pour the Portuguese steam fish sauce into the pan, add in water, bring to boil, put (1)
back into the pan, stir fry until the gravy is slightly dried up, dish out.
第五步(A): 清烫西兰花 (Fifth step (A): Broccoli)
材料 (Ingredients)
1个 西兰花 - 切块 (1 nos broccoli)
1根 红萝卜- 切片 (1 nos carrot)
1锅 水 (1 pot water)
少许 糖 (Some sugar)
少许 油 (Some oil)
步骤 (Steps)
Bring a pot of water to boil, add in sugar and oil, turn to low flame, blanch broccoli and carrot until cooked, drained and set aside
第五步(B): 清烫大白菜 (Fifth step (B): Chinese cabbage)
材料 (Ingredients)
适量 津白 - 切块(大白菜)(Some Chinese cabbage - cut into chunks)
步骤 (Steps)
Use the same pot of water to blanch the Chinise cabbage for 1-3 minutes, do not blanch the Chinese cabbage until too soft, drained and set aside.
组合盆菜,用煮菜锅 (To assembly, use a wok and arrange the ingredients as follow)
第一层 First layer:
Chinese cabbage
第二层 Second layer:
第三层 Third layer:
香焖白萝卜- 汁淋在表面,其他材料(芫荽头和八角)不需加入。
White radish - the gravy to pour n top of the white radish, other ingredients (corriander steams and start anise) to be omitted.
第四层 Fourth layer:
好事发大财 - 汁淋少许在表面
Stew mushroom, fish-maw, oyster & fatt choy - pour some gravy over it.
第五层 Fifth layer:
(A)香脆皮烧肉 (A) Roast pork belly
(B)绍兴酒醉鸡 (B) Drunken chicken
(C)咸香脆皮鸭 (C) Roast duck
(D)钱包涨卜卜 (D) Stuff bean curd puff
(E)葡萄牙明虾 (E) Portugese style prawn
(F)清烫西兰花 (F) Brocolli
Arrange all ingredients and pour the mushroom fish maw sauce over the broccoli, steam chicken stocks on the chicken and braised bean curd puff gravy over the braised bean curd puff.
第六层 Six layer:
红烧鲍鱼只 - 汁淋少许在表面
Braised abalone - pour the gravy over it.
Put the wok on top of the induction cooker, cover with lid, stir fry at 120 degree Celsius for 3-5 minutes, then use the keep warm function to keep warm all the time during serving.
This post is linked to the event, Cook & Celebrate: CNY organized by Yen from Eat Your Heart Out, Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids and Diana from the Domestic Goddess Wannabe.
This post is also also linked to the event My Treasured Recipes #5 - Chinese New Year Goodies (Jan/ Feb 2015) hosted by Miss B of Everybody Eats Well in Flanders and co-hosted by Charmaine of Mimi Bakery House.
ReplyDeleteHi Jozelyn,
ReplyDeleteDid you take a few days to prepare and cook some of the ingredients? Very impressed. .. I really enjoyed your peng cai made from scratch. .. drooling ! Blessed Lunar New Year to you & family!
Wow....soooo nice. You looks so professional. Great work !
ReplyDeleteHi Jozelyn,
ReplyDeleteWhat an ultimate awesome feast you have here!!! My eye balls are going to pop out of my eyes as I was scrolling down your post!
ReplyDelete祝你新年快乐 !
Hi Jozelyn,
ReplyDeleteWow! I'm impressed that you have made your own poon choy! Every layer looks delicious!
Gong Xi Fa Cai to you and family! Hope you have a wonderful and "fatt" goat year!
ReplyDelete好多工夫, 我不敢动手做, 嘻嘻。。。恭喜发财, 新年快乐!
ReplyDelete哇啊! 很大方的年菜。
祝你和家人,洋洋得意,新年快乐, Huat啊!哈哈!