Monday 30 November 2015

芒果汁 Mango Juice



对于这一次的芒果主题,虽然现在不是芒果季节,可是我们也累积了 118 个贴,真的要谢谢大家的用心和鼎力支持小拇指说好活动。


接下来,这个活动将“休息”两个月,明年二月份,我们有 Sweet Home-Chefs 的 Sharon 主持二月份小拇指说好活动,主题是 ~ 菊花和食用花卉 Chrysanthemum and Edible Flowers,希望到时大家也踊跃参与。


今天,为大家带来了简单的芒果汁。记得大学时期,有个 Food Court 的水果汁档口,卖的果汁超便宜(少过RM2.50)而且是 large size 的,它的果汁也很真材实料。我和室友每天晚餐后,就骑着 motor 去打包。我记得他们的果汁都是放炼奶去调味的,说真的,还蛮好喝的。我还记得每次去,要等很久,因为他们是用 blender 来打果汁,而不是用果汁机,而且是慢慢在削水果,然后一杯一杯慢慢打,机器也只有一个。毕业后曾旧地重游,可是那个果汁摊都没再营业了。

材料 (Ingredients)
1个          芒果 - 去皮去核 (1 mango - peeled and pitted)
1/4杯       水 (1/4 cups water)
适量        冰块 (Some ice cubes)
2汤匙      炼奶 (2 tbsp sweetened creamer)

步骤 (Steps)
Blend all ingredients in a blender and serve.

Friday 27 November 2015

Thursday 19 November 2015

芒果班戟 Mango Pancake



Wednesday 11 November 2015

Sunday 1 November 2015

芒果优格北海道戚风蛋糕 Mango Yogurt Hokkaido Chiffon Cake



小拇指说好 - 芒果 Little Thumbs Up - Mango





您的食谱可以是自创,来自烹饪书籍,杂志或网站。记得把上载的“芒果”贴子,链接到此贴子,就是这样而已 ^_^

  • 您提交的内容必须是2015年11月份的帖子,此活动将不接受旧帖子。 
  • 请在你的帖子里注明“小拇指说好”活动(如下),并且把你的贴子链接到这个贴子。
  • 您可以随意的在您的帖子里显示“小拇指说好”的徽章(如下)。 

  • 最后的链接日期是2015年11月30日。
  • 你可以随时到访其他博客链接的贴子并留言以作鼓励。



Hello, everyone. The "Little Thumbs Up"  event for November 2015 has just started and the theme is "Mango". 

Mango is one of my favorite fruits. Mango drinks, mango yogurt, mango ice cream, mango sago, mango pudding, mango pancakes, mango cake, mango salad ....  In fact, I love all food/ desserts prepared using fresh mangoes. However, whenever I buy mangoes, I will just peel and eat immediately. In fact, I seldom use mango to cook or prepare desserts. I have chosen mango as the theme hoping that I can cook some dishes or make some desserts with mangoes. If you like mangoes too, I welcome you to link up your posts related to mango here in Little Thumbs Up this month ^_^

To join this event, simply cook or bake any recipes using the ingredient for this month ~ Mango. This event also accept food prepared using mango by-products, such as mango juice and mango yogurt.

Recipes that you used can be your own, from cookbooks, magazines or websites. Submit your "Mango" posts as many as you like by linking to the thumbnail link provided at the bottom of this post ^_^ 

Please take note on the following:-
  • Your submission must be a current and new post uploaded in the month of November 2015, older posts are not accepted.
  • Please mention "Little Thumbs Up" in your post, and submit your post to the thumbnail link and mention (as follow) and provide a link back to this post.
  • Please feel free to display "Little Thumbs Up" badge (as shown) in your post.
  • Last date of linking will be on November 30, 2015 and feel free to visit any blogs from the links and leave your comments to support other bloggers.
Feel free to join us!