Thursday, 11 February 2016

恭喜发财 ~ 黄梨饼 Gong Xi Fa Cai ~ Pineapple tarts







黄梨馅材料 (Pineapple paste ingredients)
5粒           黄梨 (5 large pineapples) 
200g         细砂糖 (200g caster sugar - adjust according to the sweetness of the pineapple) 
1支           桂皮 (1 nos cinnamon stick)
1粒           柠檬皮 (1 nos lemon peels)
1粒           柠檬汁 (1 nos lemon juice)

步骤 (Steps)
1. 把黄梨削皮切快,用搅拌机搅碎,过筛。
    Cut the pineapples, put into a blender and blend till fine, sieve away excessive pineapple 
2. 把黄梨碎细砂糖柠檬皮碎合均匀,倒入锅里,加入桂皮用小火煮至浓稠 ( 煮到桂  
    皮味道出来后,可以取出桂皮 ),要时不时搅拌,以免烧焦黄梨馅干时,才加柠檬汁
    Put the pineapple baggase, caster sugar and lemon peels into a wok, add in cinnamon 
    stick, cook with low heat until pineapple paste thicken (remove the cinnamon stick), stir 
    consistently until the pineapple paste almost dry, add in lemon juice and continue to stir
    until pineapple paste dry up, leave to cool before use.

塔皮1 - 我之前的食谱 Tartlet recipe 1 - My previous recipe
我做2份饼皮,取得4小罐黄梨饼,共144粒 I make 2 recipe of this tartlet and yield 4 small can of pineapple tarts (144 nos pineapple tarts
65g           炼奶 (65g sweetened creamer)
250g         牛油 (250g butter)
2个            蛋黄(2 yolks)
380g         面粉 (380g plain flour)
适量          黄梨馅 - 搓成圆球,压扁一点 (Some pineapple paste - knead to form ball and slight press)

步骤 (Steps)
Beat the sweetened creamer and butter till combine, add yolk one at a time and mix well, finally, sieve in the flour and mix to form a non-stick dough.

Knead dough to form small ball but size 1.5 times bigger than the pineapple paste ball size, wrap the pineapple paste, put into paper liner and brush with egg yolk before bake. 

Oven: 17 degree Celsius, fan force, middle rack 20-25 minutes.

塔皮2 - 我之前的芝士塔/ 水果塔食谱 Tartlet recipe 2 - My cheesetart/ fruit tart recipe
我做1份饼皮,取得2罐黄梨饼 I make 1 recipe of this tartlet and yield 2 can of pineapple tarts 
200g          牛油 (200g butter)
100g          糖粉 (100g icing sugar)
1粒            鸡蛋 (1 nos egg)
420g          面粉 (420g plain flour)

步骤 (Steps)
Beat the butter and icing sugar till combine, add egg and mix well, finally, sieve in the flour and mix to form a non-stick dough.

把面团夹在两片烘培纸之间,擀平至大概 3 mm厚度,用模具压出形状,铺上黄梨馅,然后在黄梨馅上面再铺上搓圆小面团,即可。


塔皮3取自Aunty Young,略有少许更改
Tartlet recipe 3 - Adapted from Aunty Young with minor changes
我做1份饼皮,取得2罐黄梨饼 I make 1 recipe of this tartlet and yield 2 can of pineapple tarts 

240g         白兰他 (240g planta)
60g           糖粉 (60g icing sugar)
2粒           蛋黄 (2nos egg yolk)
300g         面粉 (300g flour)
140g         玉米粉 (140g corn starch)

步骤 (Steps)
Beat the butter and icing sugar till combine, add egg and mix well, finally, sieve in the flour and mix to form a non-stick dough.

Using a mould, press the dough, wrap the pineapple paste, brush with egg yolk before bake.


  1. 恭喜发财, 红包拿来 :P

  2. Hi Jozelyn,

    Gong Xi Fa Cai to you and your family!!! Unlike Sue as I don't want any 红包 from you... but all I want is these pineapple tarts that you baked :p



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